You guessed it; I'm using the name of a song, and it's from the sitcom the Wonder Years. Ironically enough, it's a show representing a much simpler time in life; at least that's how I see it, especially given what has become of our lives and experiences. Of course it goes without saying that all generations had something downright traumatic and life altering to get through; that's what it's all about in life, isn't it?
And here we are in the year 2020; talk about a horrible start with this Coronavirus! That being said, there's a reason for the song title I used; because I cannot do this on my own. I think you will understand it after reading my post. It's lengthy, but please bear with me.
To my readers-
April 2020
So you’re probably wondering why I decided to publish a second edition of my book; a book that hasn’t sold well past my friends and family. In order to sell books, you have to market them well, and most of the time it can cost much more than a Self-Published Author can afford until the money starts coming in. The only downfall I have found in my decision to go on my own, is a smaller budget to market my book; the bright side though, is that there are “no rules” to my creativity in traveling my own path – hence the name of my website, Author Without Rules.
Once I really discovered what I could do with this gift God has given me, all kinds of thoughts came to mind of what I really wanted to do if given the chance to help others less fortunate than myself. My thought process was that God has given me this gift, and so much more with my amazing family and friends; I’m truly blessed! I told God, “If you provide the means, and I will make sure to “pay it forward.” Straight up, that’s our deal”.
When this Coronavirus began its reign of terror on all of our lives, just like everyone else, I was scared and angry, that our lives as we knew it, was going to come to a complete stop for most of us. For the first time ever, my job in the Security field was labeled as “essential”, so I’m fortunate enough to be able to keep working when others are not. But for all of those who know us, Jeff’s disease automatically put him in one of the highest risk categories, so he would be grounded to the house; with the exception of traveling to and from his dialysis appointments. The real kick in the head came when his doctor added the restrictions that, anyone who is not a resident of our home is not allowed in for any reason until this horrible “social distancing” is lifted; and no one knows just how long it will be in place.
This virus has really made so many of us feel helpless; myself included, and so this is my way of doing something, but I really need all of you – my family, friends, and followers of my social media sites and my website; to please share this info. If you buy Forbidden Desires at $27.99, I will donate 100% of my royalties to help those affected by the Coronavirus. The more I sell, the more areas we can help. This promotion will last through August 31, 2020.
I’m publishing a second edition to correct the format as well as add this note. Publishing your own book does have other downfalls if you choose not to pay for an “expert” to do it for you. I wrote it all, I created my own cover, and I simply went to Barnes and Noble and followed their directions. Of course I made a few mistakes, so I will go back and correct them with this edition. The more you learn, the more you want to try to get it right; and because I’m proud of my work, I want to produce a better looking book.
My story means so much to me, and as any writer will tell you, our characters are very real to us; this particular story is quite dark, however, I do believe that there are many more fans than we will ever really know, who are drawn to stories with some very real human desires, intrigue, and fantasies; all characteristics many of us were told are “taboo”, or are “subjects we don’t talk about.” The way I see it, as a human being and an Author, it’s my story; I don’t know where it came from, other than from my imagination and my passion for the 1950’s Era. But, I suppressed it for so many years, and I wrote edits after edits – and after countless times of being so close to getting published by a traditional publisher, I decided that this story had to come out, and it was time to go out on my own – full speed ahead, and there is no turning back. My whole point is that reading a story like this is OK to enjoy, and it doesn’t mean that we will go out and commit the acts in the story. I’ve decided that I’m that “edgy” and controversial writer, and I won’t apologize for it.
When reading Forbidden Desires, remember, it’s a fictional story. Readers enjoy fiction because we can escape from reality for a few hours; just as we do with movies and TV.
Thank you for your support; it means so very much to me, and please visit my website, where you can find the direct link to buy Forbidden Desires. I’m also working on a “Book Review” section where you can leave your thoughts on my story. Please see all my contact information on my site if you would like my free book marker.