Jeff Weaver - my husband of 21 years this June 19th. Happy Birthday to you; the love of my life! I continue to thank God for granting us more time with each other. Though we're frustrated in regards to this horrendous and intrusive virus causing us isolation from friends and family coming into our home, and Jeff cannot go out in public; we are thankful to at least be together in our home.
This virus is wearing thin with the world; it feels like one of those "end of the world movies." I pray to God that they'll find a vaccine sooner rather than later. The lack of human contact for us in our home; Jeff especially, is unbearable. We're both very close to family; including extended family and we're afraid of how long it will be necessary to keep everyone we love out of our home. Our family and friends have been our lifeline to us in our darkest moments due to Jeff's illness; we love having them in our home, and it's sad as each passing day gets worse for us with missing them - especially my mom.
The one thing to look forward to is seeing his face when he opens his gifts; I don't think I've ever been as excited! Regardless of this virus, I will make it a special Birthday for him here in our home.
Happy Birthday, honey! I love you around the world and back again.
Your THANKFUL wife,