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Sad Day For Baseball

Writer's picture: Amy Marie WeaverAmy Marie Weaver

The Houston Astros – when speaking about this particular team in just the last few years, very few things enter my mind; 2017 World Series Champions, 2019 American League Champions, and most of all, CHEATERS! Baseball is my favorite sport; which I’m very passionate about, so as a diehard baseball fan in general, I’m quite furious with what has happened.

Let me just add, that before I get a lot of grief from people accusing me of just being angry that my Yankees lost to them yet again, I’m shutting that nonsense down before it starts. Yes, I love my Yankees; win or lose, but I will be the first to admit that they beat themselves by falling apart at the wrong time –plain and simple. It wasn’t because Houston was the “better” team, it was because New York stopped playing to their full potential – period!

Now on to new business; while it’s true for me, that Houston has become the “New Boston” thorn in my ass, it wasn’t just their “winning” that drove me nuts, it was the arrogance I began seeing. Yes, all teams, including the Yankees, at one time or another, have had that one - or a few guys who think they’re unstoppable, and the team couldn’t possibly win without them; that’s what I find disgusting – NO ONE PERSON IS THE ENTIRE TEAM, I don’t care who you are; you win as a team and lose as a team.

So, to find out that Houston did indeed cheat by stealing signs; that just adds to why I have this loathing for this team; it also shows that the team didn’t have much confidence in their players to be crowned the Champions without cheating and stealing. Although it will never be known for sure what the outcome may have been, had they played to their own potential and without stealing signs, I will always wonder.

I can’t imagine being a Houston Astros fan and finding out that my favorite team will be forever remembered for this scandal; I would just be heartbroken if the Yankees did something like this, as much as I want to see them win, I only want it without cheating. The wrongful acts overshadow the Championship as far as I’m concerned. We’ll never know when the victories were won on the level and which ones weren’t. Because they have actual evidence of the pathetic acts; I feel they should be stripped of both the World Series and American League Championship titles, and label this in history as a very sad day in baseball where no one was crowned Champions in 2017.

Although it’s true that they will likely never know all of those involved, and that innocent people will be punished for the acts of others, sometimes it must be done. While those innocent will be affected, those who are guilty will not get to keep the ring and everything else that comes with winning a Championship. Anyone who wins by cheating should forfeit all awards and titles that came from cheating.



Amy Marie Weaver
Amy Marie Weaver
Jan 23, 2020

Thank you for joining, Jan! I didn't see the comments because I didn't scroll down; wow! So when you click on "comment", it will allow comments UNDER the blog post.


Jan 21, 2020

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Jan 21, 2020

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