Recent events in this country has once again spilled so out of complete control it has caused enough rage inside of me, sparking another rant from me.
I will not apologize for what I’m about to write - EVER; the reason being, people need to read some harsh truth, I need a release, and I’m going to let it go. Let me state too, if by the end of this blog post I have offended any of you, then you can unfriend me; because again, I will NOT EVER apologize for expressing what I feel is truth! Everyone has that right to express their anger, and no one will take my right to do the same. I will no longer stay quite to “keep the peace”, those days are over! I will write what I have to write and go to confession to make it right with the only one who I have to make my actions and words right with.
When I say expressing my anger, I don’t mean I will be going off like a damn fool and hurting others by stealing from them, beating them, or burning their homes and businesses! I will do the expressing by writing my words; which is what I do best! The beauty part is, you can choose to read it or not, agree with me or not, and in the end I get the rage out without breaking laws and hurting others. And even when I get past this rage, I may still seek anger management, because I don’t like the feeling of anger. I think many more of us could use anger management, but people won’t seek it out, because God forbid we do the work to improve ourselves.
Those who really know me to the core also know that there is absolutely no PC inside of me at all! This does not mean that I’m a rude and unloving person; it just means my line for putting up BS is a lot thinner than others. For those who don’t know what I mean by PC; it means “Political Correctness”, which in my opinion has been the leading culprit in this whole jacked up universe since people invented the idiotic term! I say things that was completely acceptable 30 years ago, BECAUSE IT WAS CONSIDERED TRUTH, but it gets me in trouble today. Well, guess what, I simply don’t care anymore! For anyone who wants to be in my life, I expect fairness and respect, just as I give it; formally known as the “Golden Rule.” Does anyone remember the Golden Rule for God sake?
What’s angering me? This racial injustice has gone too damn far! I’m sick of hearing how “privileged” I am because of the color of my skin! How is it that I have a perfect life because I’m white? That statement is just as idiotic and RACIST as all of the BS slavery and segregation of the past! ALL RACISM AND PREDUJICE OF EVERY KIND IS AN ABOMINATION! Instead of coming together to change it, PEACEFULLY; people continue to choose to stir that boiling stinking pot of hate, rather than being kind human beings, and reach out to find out how they can help.
Tearing down monuments that have been up for centuries is NOT RIGHT! Tearing these monuments down, NOT teaching ALL OF OUR HISTORY TO THE KIDS, taking icons off of century old items, etc, is all so pointless and stupid; NONE OF WHICH ERASES THE HISTORY, PEOPLE! What pushed my rage over the edge was when I heard that people are demanding the Lincoln Memorial being torn down - THE MAN WHO FREED THE SLAVES! What the hell kind of sense does that make; NONE!
People have lost their minds, and it’s got to stop! I don’t know who I’m more angry with; those who demand the tearing down of the monuments, or the ones who are allowing it to happen. For God sakes, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his “I Have A Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial! Do you all remember Dr. King; the man we honor once a year, during BLACK HISTORY MONTH? I, as an evil white person honor him too! Those who demand that Lincoln’s Monument be torn down are a bunch of damn idiots! This man died for freeing the slaves, and this is how you show appreciation? I would hate to see how you show your disrespect!
Seriously none of this will change a thing; you cannot and will not rewrite history! Our history wasn’t perfect, no one is; it’s called being human folks - an abomination of humanity, but human nonetheless. We are supposed to learn from history, and yet we are falling so far backwards, and are doing far worse than those who lived back in the days of slavery. How any of you can feel justified in condemning the abominations of the past while destroying all lives with your crimes is way beyond my comprehension.
What’s next; demand to make our flag illegal? I have Old Glory flying from my house and IT WILL REMAIN! IT’S MY HOUSE, AND NO ONE WILL DEMAND ME TO REMOVE MY FLAG - EVER! I will never demand others to fly a flag on their property, and no one will tell me I can’t fly my flag on my property! By the way, that flag you all hate also represents Black soldiers who fight and who have fought for this country, but you don’t give a damn about that either. Slaves fought in the Union Army under Ulysses S. Grant; imagine fighting for your own cause with the “sworn enemy”. Yes, it was fighting and killing, but sometimes we have to fight; head to head, and on a more level playing field than that of the streets rioting like a bunch damn crazed cowardly animals.
I love this country, and no one ever said life was supposed to be perfect, so why is it we choose to go down the path of nothing but hate and negativity? As the saying goes, if you don’t like it here, you’re FREE to leave. Maybe if you do leave, you’ll find some appreciation for what we have here. We may have a government run by lousy human beings, but The United States of America will always be my first choice for my home; THANKS to the brave men and women of our military who make it possible for us to live the way no other country is allowed to.