This is Jeff and I at my cousin Brian's wedding last January! It was one of those few days where Jeff was feeling well enough to get on the dance floor and be in his element; we had such a great time that night.
I wanted to share with all of you what I'm most THANKFUL for - Jeff is still with us after being diagnosed with End Stage Renal/Kidney Failure on November 9, 2016; which also would have been my dad's 73rd Birthday. Last year, just one week to the day of Thanksgiving, I was just MOMENTS away from losing Jeff to this disease when I came home and found him unresponsive, as he was in the stages of death. God had so graciously given us extra time, and Jeff came home just the weekend before Thanksgiving. Just as I see my Father's Birthday (November 9th) differently, I now see Thanksgiving differently, and will always remember to be THANKFUL for yet another THANKSGIVING with the love of my life.
As you all come together with your families and friends, my hope for all of you is that you will put your phones and other devices away, and just really be with each other 100%. This is why I'm sending you all of our Thanksgiving wishes today, because tomorrow, I'm blessed enough to be with Jeff and my family; which rarely happens in today's world, where we have become too busy to stop and be with our loved ones more often; sometimes when we are with them, we aren't there in totality with this technology we have at our disposal. To all of my friends, family and followers - I wish you and your families the very best Thanksgiving. God Bless!
