Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020; who would have thought that we would have to watch Easter mass online because our church doors have been closed due to a dreadful and very scary virus? But, at least we have the option of watching mass online, thanks to technology.
I'd be lying if I said this doesn't bother me; it does, but we are not separated from Christ just because we can't be in his house today. Jesus isn't just inside the church; He's with us always, whenever and wherever. As sad and as frustrating as this virus has been, he's getting us through it. Again, thanks to technology, we are not totally alienated from friends and family.
Think back to the Spanish flu a 100 years ago; there was much more death because they didn't have what they needed to fight it - just PRAYER; which many times is sufficient even to this day, but not always. We have more hope of survival because of how far we have come. In my moments of frustration, sadness, and missing physical time with family, I try to remind myself we are getting through this; even if we don't see it in the numbers in updates, it always worsens before it gets better. We will get there much faster if everyone does the hard work of being responsible and live by the guidelines now; it's not easy on anyone, but we all need to do our part to get there. Just with everything else in this life, it's only temporary.
Much love to all of my family and friends on this Easter Sunday. May God bless you and keep you safe.