With our country in such disarray, we really have to reach a little further down to find our gratitude; this is so very true about myself this past week in particular.
Some are having a harder time than others to stay positive and to simply find a reason to get out of bed in the morning. My first motivation to get out of bed is because I have to pay bills, and I couldn't do so if I didn't have a job to go to; so I'm grateful to have a full time job, when so many others are laid off, temporarily or otherwise.
The rest of my motivation is to pushing through the garbage to stay strong for Jeff and my family, so that when we are finally "allowed" to see each other, it will be that much sweeter. I haven't been handling myself with as much grace this past weekend after the recent extension of that stay at home order from this Governor; it's just the biggest pile of garbage that I have to push through to get to the light on the other end of the tunnel, and that's all I will say on THAT matter.
The one thing that I haven't lost sight of, is that this weekend is all about honoring all of the men and women who sacrifice the most for this Country, so I officially focus all of my thoughts and energy to all of those brave men and women who have served, and who is currently serving this our Country. We should always be grateful to them, but this weekend, even more so. Happy Memorial Day to all of you, and may God Bless you and your loved ones.