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Writer's picture: Amy Marie WeaverAmy Marie Weaver

Once again we find ourselves watching the worst kind of violence and destruction in major cities across the nation, because of yet another senseless death of a man; by four white cops in Minnesota. Let's be real here; the man was African American, his name was George Floyd, and he was MURDERED by these police officers who had him detained, he was in no way a threat to their safety, and yet three of those cops stood by and allowed their fellow Officer to keep his knee in the man's neck as he pleaded for his life!

It's horrifying beyond belief that Police Officers would stand there and just allow this man to be murdered; they're supposed to be trusted to protect and to serve ALL OF HUMANITY in their communities. I usually "Back the Blue", I've worked in the Security field for the majority of my adult life, but I cannot, and will not defend what happened to this man. In fact, all of those Officers should be thrown UNDER the Prison for what they've allowed, because they are just as guilty as the Officer who killed the man.

All of this being said, I'm angry, as millions of people around the whole world are angry! But, I'm going to be brutally honest here, and I won't apologize for being 100% honest, because I don't believe in half-truths to save hurt feelings. I have ZERO issues with PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS. BUT BECAUSE OF WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THESE CITIES; BURNING CARS, PROPERTY, BUSINESSES, AND TAKING THEIR ANGER AND CRIES OF INJUSTICES OUT ON ALL POLICE OFFICERS, THEY ARE NOT PROTESTORS; THEY ARE BEING HYPOCRITICAL, VIOLENT, LAW BREAKING ANIMALS! Whatever happens to anyone who has chosen to use violence as a way to protest IS ON THEM! Remember that! Just remember, too, there are many more innocent Police Officers being physically attacked for what a few did, and they have families who love them and depend on them. Those Officers dealing with violent garbage will only take so much; and rightfully so.

Injustices against all types of people happen all of the time, and all over the world; NO ONE RACE OR NATIONALITY IS IMMUNE! As a white woman, I'm sick and tired of being considered a racist when injustices such as the death of George Floyd happens! When I see signs that read, "Black Lives Matter", that is reverse racism folks! When are we as human beings going to get it through our heads that ALL LIVES MATTER? Yes, those cops should all go down for murder, BUT FOR GOD SAKES, NOT ALL COPS ARE MURDERERS; NOT ALL COPS ARE OUT TO KILL AFRICAN AMERICANS!! Reasonably intelligent people should be able to figure out that there are BAD PEOPLE IN ALL RACES, NATIONALITIES, PROFESSIONS, AND RELIGIONS! A few bad cops, doesn't make all cops bad!

When these injustices and just downright evil happens, how does it give anyone a free pass to protest violence by being violent? All that gets is more violence on top of the violence; it's all a vicious never-ending cycle of hate and violence! Think about WHO is watching this; KIDS! We as adults need to lead by example; demonstrating PEACEFULLY is acceptable; in fact, I encourage all of us to use your Constitutional right to PEACEFULLY demonstrate publicly, but what we are seeing is outright law breaking destruction and violence, and it makes all who do that, no better than the murdering Officer who kept his knee in the neck of George Floyd; a man, a human being, NOT A COLOR!



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